29th AUGUST 2021 – Sunday Races – Updated Selections!

Please Check Our Latest Updated Selections! Don’t Missed (28/08/2021 – 4pm Singapore Time)

Imagine you own race horses here in Singapore. Most get in to the horse ownership for the thrill of it, some just for enjoyment and excitement and some seriously with intention of making money. There are many ways in making money if you are here in the industry as a race horse owner. Some here to socialised and trying their luck while others are here wanting to learn and grow into a strong horse owner with several good class horses that may generate cash flow for them.

In all industry there are good days and bad days, and so is this. After almost 30 years in the industry, I saw, almost everything in this. My on humbly take is that race horse ownership in Singapore requires more than only luck to make it big. It’s just like any business, you need reliable key people working together with you. You just can’t do it alone, you need a team. A goal is too small if you can do it alone, you need knowledge, key people, experience and yes, LUCK.


Some Singaporean are very secretive about his or her involvement in horse racing. Horse racing is not something most Singaporean seen as a good investment tools and generally take you as a gambler if you are known to be in it. Only those who are involved in horse racing will appreciate race horse owners, trainers and those who is in this industry.

As a Singaporean myself, I understand how this works here. Our culture been this and there’s many way to go about it. Most people been in this for more than 10years and some not so young among us have been here since the good old days of Bukit Timah Turf Club. And I am one of them.

If you are looking for ways, how to be a successful race horse owner and ready to cut short your learning curve, I can suggest you contact me and we talk it over a meal. Time is money, especially in horse racing. Learning from other people success and leverage on their experience, connections and knowledge can be a powerful step you can ever make in this industry.

Call me and find out more! Thank you for being here! Click LINK


Horses Can’t Talk.. Only Shows His Potential On His Daily Attitude From Training And Back At His Stables. Race Horse Owners Will Be Given Information Thru His Handler and Planning Will Done Accordingly. You A Racehorse Owner Will Get First Hand Information And Likely Do What You Are Suppose To Do…

If You Are Ready To Look At The Most Interesting Investment You Can Ever Imagine..

Do Give Me Call NOW! +65 9175 3396


Beli kuda untuk Pacuan kuda/Balapan kuda di Singapura..?

Jika Anda tertarik untuk berinvestasi di Singapura dalam industri pacuan kuda, Anda berada di tempat yang tepat.
Nama saya Sam, saya lahir di Singapura dan kakek nenek saya berasal dari Indonesia dan bekerja di industri ini di Singapura. Mereka tiba di sini pada tahun 1900-an dan satu-satunya pekerjaan yang cocok untuk mereka.
Sejak saat itu hingga hari ini semua orang di silsilah keluarga terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam industri ini.
Industri ini semakin menarik bagi saya dan pemilik pacuan kuda saya.
Pacuan kuda bisa sangat menyenangkan, mengasyikkan, dan bisa menguntungkan bagi sebagian orang. Ya.. di industri apa pun, pada akhirnya yang membuat segalanya tumbuh adalah keuntungan.
Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana Anda bisa untung karena pemeliharaan kuda terlalu mahal dan tidak tertahankan bagi sebagian orang?
Untuk menjadi sukses dalam bisnis ini, Anda memerlukan beberapa kunci sukses.
Apa itu?
Antara lain Anda perlu memiliki tim. Saya menemukan bahwa tujuan terlalu kecil jika Anda dapat mencapainya sendiri. Anda membutuhkan tim untuk mencapai tujuan yang lebih besar.

Saya berusia 50han tahun dan telah berada di industri ini sepanjang hidup saya.
Saya melihat banyak individu pemilik kuda pacu, datang dan pergi. Saya pernah dulu menjalankan bisnis saya sendiri di Singapura. Menghasilkan dan meraih banyak untung. Tidak lama kemudian saya mulai memiliki kuda balap sejak 1995.
Sepanjang jalan saya bertemu dengan orang-orang hebat dan beberapa telah pensiun dari pacuan kuda dan beberapa masih sekuat dan aktif walau setelah lebih dari 25 tahun.

Saya suka membantu jika anda berminat untuk mencari jalan pintas untuk berjaya besar di arena balap kuda di Singapura.

Saya telah melengkapi diri saya dengan, koneksi, keterampilan, pengetahuan, orang-orang yang tepat sebagai anggota tim kunci sukses dan menunggu orang-orang yang berpikiran sama untuk berkembang biak sukses dalam pacuan kuda di Singapura.
Kami akan memandu Anda mulai dari pemilihan kuda untuk pembelian Anda, mendaftarkan kuda, membantu Anda memilih pakaian untuk warna balap Anda, merencanakan kuda dan sampai ke lingkaran pemenang.

Salah satu tahapan yang menarik dalam memiliki kuda pacuan adalah menemukan nama untuk kuda Anda.
Selanjutnya merancang pakaian balap stabil Anda. Anda memilih warna sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Anda memutuskan untuk memiliki strip atau bintang di pakaian balap.
Di sana setelah Anda juga perlu menemukan nama untuk tim balap kuda Anda. (Nama Stabil)
Semua ini dan lebih banyak lagi, itu pasti akan memberi Anda kegembiraan dan kegembiraan tambahan!
Bayangkan jika Anda menonton pacuan kuda Anda dan dia memukul depan di rumah langsung … Anda mulai meneriakkan nama kuda Anda dan dia ketika Anda mendengar Anda memanggil dan memenangkan perlombaan. Ini adalah yang paling menarik dan memberi Anda kenangan manis dan kegembiraan seumur hidup!

Jika minat Anda tumbuh, saya menantikan kabar dari Anda. Klik tautan ini dan daftarkan minat Anda.
Saya akan menghubungi Anda secepatnya!
Atau Anda dapat menghubungi langsung ponsel saya di +65 9175 3396.
SAM – Singapura.

Jangan tunggu lagi!

22nd August 2021 – Sunday Races Selections

Imagine you own race horses here in Singapore. Most get in to the horse ownership for the thrill of it, some just for enjoyment and excitement and some seriously with intention of making money. There are many ways in making money if you are here in the industry as a race horse owner. Some here to socialised and trying their luck while others are here wanting to learn and grow into a strong horse owner with several good class horses that may generate cash flow for them.

In all industry there are good days and bad days, and so is this. After almost 30 years in the industry, I saw, almost everything in this. My on humbly take is that race horse ownership in Singapore requires more than only luck to make it big. It’s just like any business, you need reliable key people working together with you. You just can’t do it alone, you need a team. A goal is too small if you can do it alone, you need knowledge, key people, experience and yes, LUCK.


Some Singaporean are very secretive about his or her involvement in horse racing. Horse racing is not something most Singaporean seen as a good investment tools and generally take you as a gambler if you are known to be in it. Only those who are involved in horse racing will appreciate race horse owners, trainers and those who is in this industry.

As a Singaporean myself, I understand how this works here. Our culture been this and there’s many way to go about it. Most people been in this for more than 10years and some not so young among us have been here since the good old days of Bukit Timah Turf Club. And I am one of them.

If you are looking for ways, how to be a successful race horse owner and ready to cut short your learning curve, I can suggest you contact me and we talk it over a meal. Time is money, especially in horse racing. Learning from other people success and leverage on their experience, connections and knowledge can be a powerful step you can ever make in this industry.

Call me and find out more! Thank you for being here! Click LINK

15th Aug 2021 – SUNDAY Singapore Horse Racing

Imagine you own race horses here in Singapore. Most get in to the horse ownership for the thrill of it, some just for enjoyment and excitement and some seriously with intention of making money. There are many ways in making money if you are here in the industry as a race horse owner. Some here to socialised and trying their luck while others are here wanting to learn and grow into a strong horse owner with several good class horses that may generate cash flow for them.

In all industry there are good days and bad days, and so is this. After almost 30 years in the industry, I saw, almost everything in this. My on humbly take is that race horse ownership in Singapore requires more than only luck to make it big. It’s just like any business, you need reliable key people working together with you. You just can’t do it alone, you need a team. A goal is too small if you can do it alone, you need knowledge, key people, experience and yes, LUCK.


Some Singaporean are very secretive about his or her involvement in horse racing. Horse racing is not something most Singaporean seen as a good investment tools and generally take you as a gambler if you are known to be in it. Only those who are involved in horse racing will appreciate race horse owners, trainers and those who is in this industry.

As a Singaporean myself, I understand how this works here. Our culture been this and there’s many way to go about it. Most people been in this for more than 10years and some not so young among us have been here since the good old days of Bukit Timah Turf Club. And I am one of them.

If you are looking for ways, how to be a successful race horse owner and ready to cut short your learning curve, I can suggest you contact me and we talk it over a meal. Time is money, especially in horse racing. Learning from other people success and leverage on their experience, connections and knowledge can be a powerful step you can ever make in this industry.

Call me and find out more! Thank you for being here! Click LINK

8th Aug 2021 – Singapore Horse Racing

Imagine you own race horses here in Singapore. Most get in to the horse ownership for the thrill of it, some just for enjoyment and excitement and some seriously with intention of making money. There are many ways in making money if you are here in the industry as a race horse owner. Some here to socialised and trying their luck while others are here wanting to learn and grow into a strong horse owner with several good class horses that may generate cash flow for them.

In all industry there are good days and bad days, and so is this. After almost 30 years in the industry, I saw, almost everything in this. My on humbly take is that race horse ownership in Singapore requires more than only luck to make it big. It’s just like any business, you need reliable key people working together with you. You just can’t do it alone, you need a team. A goal is too small if you can do it alone, you need knowledge, key people, experience and yes, LUCK.


You Can Start Being A Part Of This Interesting Industry As A Horse Owner Starting From As Low As $5000/ 10% share of a horse currently available in training. For more information click link here

IF YOU LIKE TO BE A POWERFUL HORSE OWNER – Singapore Is One of The Best Place!

Call me now and see how you will benefit from partnering with an experience local team that will make significance difference for your investments. Horse racing In Singapore, is fun, exciting, stylish, safe and can be profitable if you have the right team. A goal is too small if you can achieve it alone. Let us help you be lucky ! Call Now! Or Simply Click This Link. Thank you.

LATEST – I HAVE A NEW TRIAL WINNER CURRENTLY IN NZ – 3YO TODAY (1st August 2021) -Bound For HK Selling SGD 120,000 Call Now! +65 815 9 26 26 or +65 9175 33 96 (Sam) For Top Notch Individuals Who Wants A Top Class Horses.

This is our selections and wish you luck!