24 SEPT’22 – Singapore Horse Racing

Horse racing in Singapore, been a very exciting event all race days. The weekly races held Saturday or Sunday never failed to satisfy it’s horse racing fans and followers. Some just love the races just by looking at the horses. Some like to be in the races because of the energy, both from the horses and the people attending the races.

Winning horses are usually not too easy to select. Favorites makes about 30% of the results. If you coming to have fun with selecting winners, sometimes you may be disappointed. As some days only 1 favorites won in a normally 10 to 12 races that day.

Why is that so?

Horses are animals which only can show you if he is in the right mind and form on that very day. Humans analyze from his papers on his past and recent performance or workout. That is the best way we know. Some other horse experts will add his selections using the parade ring conditions of the horse. Horse will show if he is nervous, if he is agitated and some sharp eyes will even see if the horse is tired.

Anyway all tools available for you to help select winners, and my experience say it is about connections and 60% depends on luck! One of the best connections is when you becomes a race horse owner. If you want to invest in 1 or 2 horses, and need help.. do give me a call Sam Kranji +65 91753396

Wishing you the best of luck !

My selections is as follows.

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