New Year’s Day 1/1/2023

Horse Racing at Sha Tin.. It’s a New Year and Most Will Have Their New Goals For This Year!

If you have not, then you should set 1 today! One of the best ways is to reflex your progress in the past year of 2022.

  1. Health Goals,
  2. Family Goals,
  3. Financial Goals,
  4. Education Goals,
  5. Sprirtual Goals,
  6. Social Goals,

These are the few areas of life that should be look into and set goals. Life is a journey and success is always wonderful to achieve.

Thank you for your support all this while, and hope you be back again and again, week after week and hope to know you are healthy and enjoying life with your loved ones.

My selections are as per shown below:

I have compiled 7 races of Lim’s Kosciuszko winners in 2022. Have a look and enjoy!

Please..Support my channel by giving likes and SUBSCRIBE, it’s free!


28 Dec 2022 – Happy Valley (Updated)

Hi welcome back.. Previous race day was a thriller. Especially with Packing Treadmill remains unbeaten this season, thanks to the debut of replacement rider Dylan Mo.

Most have predicted that Packing Treadmill will be hard to beat with Hugh Bowman to ride. But as the race day there’s changes to replace H Bowman ride. It is jockey Dylan Mo to ride Packing Treadmill. All predictions went astray as racegoers look for other horse to win this race. It is especially so as Dylan Mo whom have not score in any of his 47 rides. He too was frustrated with his luck and this season’s campaign. The 29-year-old jockey had not saluted the judge since he won on Sparkling Dolphin on July 1.

Jockeys understand this game.

To score a win, especially in a highly competetive Hong Kong races a jockey needs more than skills. Strong minds are very essential and that is what Dylan Mo showed that day.

He rode a race as if he is the Hong Kong Premiership leading jockey. Full of confidence and a well timed race. He may have more rides after this win and hope he can create his winning momentum.

Punters are rewarded handsomely for following a Cup winning potential horse. His trainer Francis Lui Kin-wai says.. “The draw helped, and the horse has got a very good fighting heart,”

Wednesday night is a Happy Valley Race and wishing all a happy racing night. It’s looked like Zac Purton bank account going to be busy tonight!

Here is my selections:

If you are interested in investment in Horse Race ownership in Singapore, and need some help..

Kindly drop me a message and I am happy to assist!

Mobile: +65 9175 3396

24 DEC 2022 – Sha Tin Races UPDATED!

Hello and welcome back!

Horse Racing In Hong Kong going to be interesting this Saturday. Champion Jockey was booked for many good rides. It looks like he is going to get few top 3 finish in the races.

Some of them are given the added 1 or 2 length faster as he is a really good jockey. He has equipped himself with skills from all the years experience and of course his gifted with great talents. He’s always going to be the top choices in most races. Horses responded well with his riding and punters are most happy to spend the afternoon at the turf club.

Hong Kong horses are of high quality and really loves the 2 tracks in Sha Tin and Happy Valley. These horses come from different part of the world. I always hope for horses from Australia and New Zealand to win races as I have the kind of liking for the horses from there.

Thank you and have a great day!

21 DECEMBER 2022 – Happy Valley

It’s going fast and almost a new year. Things have changed in a faster pace. Uncertainty is the way forward, In all industry. Bank Interest will keep rising and things will cost higher, that’s one of the certain things that will happen.

It’s been like this in horse race predictions, but we managed, and doing good this far, not bad…it’s been more than a century old industry. We in this industry been going thru this kind of uncertainty for as long as we can remember.

Never put eggs in one basket and that applies to this industry too. We take chances when it arise once awhile.

Buying of horses can be the same, when your turn comes.. you may have a good offer for an outstanding horse that is not to be missed. Once I have a big horse owner (who owns more than 30 horses), bought a high quality bred young horse… sent his horse to a big trainer (who has more than 60 horses to train).

After a few runs this horse did not perform as per his expectation, and offer this horse for sale.. (about 20% of his original price). A lucky owner, who just want to have fun with racing horses, bought this horse and send him to a newly license trainer. He have less than 30 horses to train, so may be…with more attention and focus given. Not to down grade any trainer or anything similar.. It ‘s about LUCK… This horse, won in his first race under the new trainer. What a lucky owner, the horse is young and started showing his actual self as a talented racehorse.

One of the most important factor in horse racing is luck and luck can come to someone who wants to try. Try your luck in this unique horse racing industry. Some take is as an investment, some take it as a status stamp, some take it just for the fun of it, and many other reason to it. You may have your reason or reasons.. and need more information, I am here to help.

If you are interested in owning horses for racing in Singapore, I am available to talk to and who knows, we can have luck in running race horses with our team.

In over 20years, I have established a team and working closely with trainers in success planning for new and seasoned race horse owner. We helped few horse owners grow and have fun. One of them started with only 1 horse and now he have got 7 horses with us. I believe EVERYONE CAN WIN! and this may be your turn!

Thank you for reading and hope to hear from you soon… Call +65 9175 3396 Sam. (Singapore – Majulah Singapura!)

This is my selection for Hongkong Happy Valley Wednesday night races:

Nordic Dragon will run a good race, watch him hitting the front and hope he wins!

Happy Holidays To You Guys!

Enjoy some races compilation and support me with like and subscribe ~ Thank you!

Next Video is Singapore Best Horses in Action!

Thank you for Watching, Like and Subscribe.

Credit Mention: Photos by kenneth chan in and some information from

18th Dec 2022 – Shatin Race

Hello And Good Day, Happy Racing!!

Watch Video Of The 3 Champion Race horse.. They will race each other in a Group 1 race on 29 January 2023.

If you are looking to start owning race horses and need help.. Let’s meet over coffee and have a friendly discussion. I show you a success plan and you can start own horses and be profitable.

Imagine, going to the jockey club for the races and watching horses own by you. You be a proud owner of the horses, you buy the horses, you gave a name to him, you choose and design the racing silk, and you have a lot of fun!!.

Cheering your horse, hitting the front at the final 200m, and he quicken to win the race.. the The eutopia of joy is unbelievable..

You can have fun and joy, if you are in safe hands.. with the right people doing what’s need to be done. You are the boss! We do it all for you to grow and succeed in this wonderful journey.

If you are planning and looking for help. Do let us help you, and help is just a phone call away. Call me , Sam @ +65 9175 3396.

Good Luck!

14th Dec 2022 Happy Valley

Hello and Happy Wednesday Racing!!

If you are looking to start owning race horses and need help.. Let’s meet over coffee and have a friendly discussion. I show you a success plan and you can start own horses and be profitable.

Imagine, going to the jockey club for the races and watching horses own by you. You be a proud owner of the horses, you buy the horses, you gave a name to him, you choose and design the racing silk, and you have a lot of fun!!.

Cheering your horse, hitting the front at the final 200m, and he quicken to win the race.. the The eutopia of joy is unbelievable..

You can have fun and joy, if you are in safe hands.. with the right people doing what’s need to be done. You are the boss! We do it all for you to grow and succeed in this wonderful journey.

If you are planning and looking for help. Do let us help you, and help is just a phone call away. Call me , Sam @ +65 9175 3396.

Good Luck!

HK RACING 11th Dec 2022

Hongkong horse racing is a very competitive, interesting and a class above. Professionals of this industry will love to be part of this highly professional leaders in this organization.

Look at how they mend the horses, how organized they are. As an observer and industry player, something all racegoers will noticed is how they get the horses into the barriers in a swift few seconds and they are ready to jump. It is common to see every thing done so quickly and consistently. Week in week out, they never fail to deliver. Wonderful leaders get the organization right.

The system they employ, starting from importing the right high quality horses, till the horses big day on race days. It seems that every department work with high integrity and professionally.

Hongkong been the focus of horse racing in South East Asia. They did have the right people for the job. In any organization, any leadership, results matter most. A successful leader can bring the team to success. In my opinion, horse racing in Hongkong for the Jockey Club, Trainers, Stables – horses owners, the beautiful horses and all involved with it, the G1 winner is the Hongkong Jockey Club itself. The leadership in making this industry shine in South East Asia.

Singapore Turf Club really been trying hard and they should look what is right with the Hongkong Jockey Club. It’s a model of championship for the racing industry. Nothing wrong in learning from successes. Actually, smarter to copy other successful model than reinventing the wheel. That’s my opinion only.. I hope I am right.

In this week Invitation races, many great names were there and will show their skills. Singapore is represented with our champion sprinter and a talented horse in LIM’S KOSCIUSZKO, be ridden by Jockey Danny Beasley. This is going to be interesting and best wishes for the Dan Meagher connections and Lim’s Stable. A day of winners and colors and you should not missed this. The World Cup in Qatar is for football, and this is like a world cup for horse racing. Cheers!

If you are interested to have more energy for men.. CLICK HERE! You got to win too!

My selections are:

Can Walking Help Overcome Men’s Problem?

Image by Beate from Pixabay 

How many steps should you walk to improve your health? READ ON FOR BONUS USA MADE MEN TONIC FOR HAPPY WOKEN UP AND ENJOY !

One of the enigmatically determined excellent things we should all do is walk 10,000 steps every day, similar to drinking eight glasses of water per day. I’ve read that it dates back to a 1960s Japanese marketing initiative.

I’d like to say that the quantity of steps required to reap the benefits was lower, but since then, there has been a good deal of research on the subject, and it has been discovered that walking 10,000 steps each day is excellent for your health.

The amount of exercise people actually got using Fitbit fitness trackers over a median of four years was measured in an October 2022 study that was published in Nature Medicine journal, with co-author Evan Brittain, a cardiologist and associate professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Tennessee.

According to the study, people who walk close to 10,000 steps each day have the greatest defences against the majority of diseases. For instance, the study discovered that raising your step count from 6,000 to 10,000 reduced the risk of diabetes by 56%.

Why is walking, or really any sort of exercise, so beneficial to us? The director of cardiac rehabilitation at University Hospitals Harrington Heart and Vascular Institute in Ohio, cardiologist Chad Raymond, lists a handful of them. First off, the same endorphins that give you a fantastic feeling after working out also help your blood vessels expand and help form new blood vessels.

Regular exercise lowers blood pressure by five to eight points, which is frequently what most blood pressure medications do, according to him.

Exercise also enhances the skeletal muscles’ capacity to absorb oxygen from the blood, Raymond adds. And it helps improve lung function, which in turn helps the heart. 

Stop the presses: Staying in front of the television is bad for you. So put on your comfy shoes and take a stroll.


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