New Year’s Day 1/1/2023

Horse Racing at Sha Tin.. It’s a New Year and Most Will Have Their New Goals For This Year!

If you have not, then you should set 1 today! One of the best ways is to reflex your progress in the past year of 2022.

  1. Health Goals,
  2. Family Goals,
  3. Financial Goals,
  4. Education Goals,
  5. Sprirtual Goals,
  6. Social Goals,

These are the few areas of life that should be look into and set goals. Life is a journey and success is always wonderful to achieve.

Thank you for your support all this while, and hope you be back again and again, week after week and hope to know you are healthy and enjoying life with your loved ones.

My selections are as per shown below:

I have compiled 7 races of Lim’s Kosciuszko winners in 2022. Have a look and enjoy!

Please..Support my channel by giving likes and SUBSCRIBE, it’s free!


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