Healthy Man – Means A Strong Man

The Vitality of Good Health for Men

In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to overlook the importance of good health, especially for men. But let’s take a moment to consider this: What if I told you that investing in your health could be the key to unlocking a life of vitality, energy, and fulfillment?

Picture this: Waking up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. Having the energy to pursue your passions, excel in your career, and enjoy quality time with loved ones. Feeling confident in your body and mind, knowing that you’re taking proactive steps to safeguard your well-being.

But why is good health so crucial for men, you might ask? Well, the benefits are truly endless. From improving physical fitness and mental clarity to enhancing mood and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, prioritizing your health can have a profound impact on every aspect of your life.

For men, in particular, maintaining good health is essential for optimizing performance, both in the boardroom and the bedroom. Yes, you heard that right! A healthy lifestyle can contribute to better stamina, vitality, and sexual function, ensuring that you’re always operating at your peak.

But where do you start on the journey to better health? It all begins with simple, everyday choices. Incorporating regular exercise into your routine, fueling your body with nutritious foods, prioritizing sleep and stress management, and staying hydrated are all foundational pillars of good health.

And here’s the best part: You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. There are countless resources, products, and support systems available to help you along the way. From wellness coaches and fitness programs to innovative supplements designed to boost vitality and performance, the possibilities are endless.

So, gentlemen, I urge you to take charge of your health today. Invest in yourself, prioritize your well-being, and unlock the boundless potential that comes with living a life of vitality and fulfillment. Because when it comes down to it, your health is the greatest asset you’ll ever own.

Ready to take the first step towards better health? Click below to learn more about how our natural, USA-made supplements can support your journey to vitality and well-being.

Enhancing Vitality: The Power of Natural Supplements

In our quest for optimal health and vitality, sometimes we need a little extra support. That’s where natural supplements come into play, offering a safe and effective way to enhance our well-being and address specific health concerns. Today, we’ll explore the benefits of two natural supplements designed to support men’s health: those targeting erectile dysfunction (ED) and testosterone support.

Let’s start by addressing a common issue that many men face: erectile dysfunction. ED can have a significant impact on a man’s confidence, relationships, and overall quality of life. But fear not, because there are natural solutions available to help you reclaim your vitality and confidence in the bedroom.

Our carefully formulated supplement for ED harnesses the power of natural ingredients to promote blood flow, enhance stamina, and support healthy sexual function. With ingredients like L-arginine, horny goat weed, and ginseng, our supplement is designed to improve circulation, boost libido, and enhance sexual performance, naturally.

But our commitment to men’s health doesn’t stop there. We also offer a specialized supplement designed to support healthy testosterone levels, essential for vitality, energy, and overall well-being. Testosterone plays a crucial role in men’s health, influencing everything from muscle mass and bone density to mood and libido.

Our testosterone support supplement is formulated with potent herbs, vitamins, and minerals known to naturally boost testosterone production and optimize hormonal balance. From tribulus terrestris and fenugreek extract to zinc and vitamin D, our supplement provides comprehensive support for men’s hormonal health.

So why choose natural supplements over synthetic alternatives? The answer is simple: Natural supplements offer a holistic approach to health and wellness, working with your body’s natural processes to promote balance and vitality. With no harmful side effects or dependency issues, natural supplements provide a safe and sustainable solution for long-term health and vitality.

Ready to take the next step towards reclaiming your vitality and optimizing your health? Click below to learn more about our natural supplements for ED and testosterone support, and start your journey to a healthier, more vibrant you.

20th Aug 2023 Selections

Hello and hope you are well. Welcome back and thank you for subscribing too. Appreciate your interest and looking forward to grow with you, as a friend, or helping you in becoming a racehorse owner in Singapore and Malaysia or as a business associates in future.

Most people just love horses and keep coming back to read articles or selections and more. In the past years since 2014 (I started this free website) many have become a close friends and been keeping in touch. Few inspiring horse owners have realized their dreams and happily did what they wanted.

In horse racing ownership you must have patience and the saying goes ‘Patience Reward’. This have been the case for the horse owners who bought horses through me. Connections is essential and good luck is imperative for success here.

If you like to own race horses, this can be a good time as winning percentage have increased for horse owners who is still focusing his investments in Singapore. Few reasons to this, and let me show you how to.

If you are interested to find out more about this horse racing opportunity, kindly give me a call / message and let’s talk over coffee. Sam +65 9175 3396.

Here’s my selections for the 20th Aug 2023 races (Sunday). Race 1 starts at 12.00noon (SG/HK time)

Selections 13 Aug 2023

Horse Racing In Singapore (Selections – updated on 12 / Aug / 2023)

13th August 2023 (Race 1 Starts at 12.00noon SG/HK Time (+8 GMT)

Winner of races in Singapore will be recording a history for himself. It can be a valuable experience and something money cannot buy in future.

Getting photos and videos of your winning in the Singapore horse racing will be a unique historical photo of you at the winner’s circle.

Sadly, It’s a sure to be gone thing here. Horse owners are also going to have new plans for their interest in horse racing. Some will move their horses to Malaysia, Australia, or New Zealand.

Few will give up and ‘hang their boots’. Some will decide to stay low and sell their horses. They are worried if the horses are not sold later or unable to go to Malaysia (due to age of horse – import requirement set), they have to be responsible for the horses fully and that time they imagine will be problematic situation for horse owners. But I do believe the authorities will help out and provide solutions.

In any situation, when there are problems.. there will be opportunities. Currently there will be horse owners selling their horses at an attractive price. Good horses may be sold at below market price and that will be an opportunity for you.

If you are interested in getting your hands on horse ownership, kindly send me a text and will get back to you soonest.

+65 91753396 Brother Sam.

PS: My Horse racing will continue as usual. After a couple of months on holiday!

3rd JUNE 2023 – Singapore

Horse Racing In Singapore

Horse racing Selections by author of this site, generally based on recent or latest last run.

Horse racing can be unpredictable. Normally in the Classes 5 races, as this horses are there in this Class as it is due to their low strike rate and low rating points. Horses in the better classes are more reliable and predictable. Unfortunately most of the horses are in the Class 5 and takes up to 60 to 70% of our weekly event.

This can sometimes be interesting as you can see horses of , 8, 9, and 10years old seems to be competing with younger horses. Young horses are racing in that class as many horses takes time to get themselves ready to be competitive. This can be due to many reasons.

Older horses which races in the Class 5 races can be very capable in their prime age of 4,5,6years old. They are slower as they gets older hence, they have dropped in points and able to be competitive at this Class.

This is my selections:

Enjoy Your Weekend!

Horse Highlight Of The Week

GENERAL COMMAND – HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK FOR 3rd June 2023 Singapore Horse Racing. He is an UP AND COMING Race horse that will be given more attention. He will be tested at this level in a CLASS 2 race on Poly track over 1100m. He last ran a Class 2 race when he was bitten by another progressive horse namely SILENT IS GOLD.

GENERAL COMMAND has only got 4 Starts to date and he will be jumping from an outside barrier of number 7 from a small field race of 7 horses tomorrow in Race 8. Race 8 Horse 2 – ILLUSTRIOUS will be a danger horse to be finishing in the top 3 spot. ILLUSTRIOUS a recent winner in a Class 3 race which he clocked 1:04.56sec carrying 59kg in a similar race of 1100m on the poly track. Race 8 Top 4 Selections are:

Horse 3) GENERAL COMMAND (M Nunes)

Horse 2) ILLUSTRIOUS (D Moor)

Horse 4) RED OCEAN (App N Rozlan)

Horse 6) I AM SCARED (App PH Seow) Have a great day!

20th May 2023 – Singapore

Horse racing in Singapore. It’s always an interesting day in Singapore. Invitation jockeys did very well in the past. Jockeys is the pilot of the horses and it is one of the most important to have a reliable jockey on board your horse.

Should you are the owner of the horse taking part this week, you are given the priority to arrange which jockey you are nominating to ride your horse. Surely you have to make arrangements in the earlier part of the week. Best to discuss with your Trainer on plans of your horses career.

Horse racing in Singapore is most rewarding should you owned good class of horses to be involved with. Horses in the Class 3 and above is best. Why?

Class 3 , Class 2 and Class 1 horse races carries attractive prize monies. To compete in these classes, you need to have reliable supply of good horses. You need to learn about horses and invest in time, and capital to be where the successful horse owners is. If you are interested to invest in horse racing investment, and looking to leverage on our expertise, experience and connections, you are welcome to contact me. Sam of Singapore +65 91753396.

Wishing You All The Best For Your Endeavour!

7 likely Reasons race horse owners in Singapore lost money.

7 likely Reasons Why race horse owners in Singapore lost money.

Don’t think for a second that buying a racehorse is your path to riches and an early retirement. In fact, more often than not owning a racehorse is a money-losing venture.

This is a game where money invested should be from spare cash which you can afford to lose in any game for the fun of it.

The pros in the business invest in hundreds of horses, with the hope that a few hit it big and their profits make up for all of money losers.

An economical way to success is that you cut short all the learning curve by taking advantage of the experience or leverage on knowledgeable person.

After more than 30 years in this horse racing industry, as a race horse owner and a manager to a few race horse stables, I like to share you my simple view on what I saw happening in Singapore horse racing industry, not as a gambler but as someone who taking part in buying, planning and dealing with both horse owners, and all connected to preparing for races.

I saw many horse owners failed and this can be a topic to learn from.

Listed here to the best of my knowledge are reasons for unsuccessful horse ownership in the Singapore horse racing.

  1. No actual capital to start with. Some may have too little money and hope for miracle to happen. As you know that this game is used to be called ‘sports of kings’, but the good thing is that you don’t have to be a king, but at least have the idea of the spare cash you need to buy a good horse, which can cost easily from $50,000 and more. Some good bred horses can fetch from $100,000 to $150,000 – which I don’t suggest you to spend more than that amount as the stakes money here is not up to that kind of horse.  
  2. Buying a low quality or no quality race horse. Some opt to look for cheap horse. You can buy cheap horse if you don’t have any intention to see your horse winning. Buying a no quality horse will disappoint you. You end up paying training bills and probably you don’t have a chance to enjoy any return of your investments. Please also take note, that buying an expensive horse does not guarantee your success. Horses are still animal. But history says good horses come from good family bloodline of winners.
  3. Overlooked the on-going cost. Buying is easy, it is a one time invoice settlement, but maintaining it is the hardest for most. This, you need to maintain an annual sum ranging from $40,000 to $50,000 per year to maintain a race horse for training and up keeping. Any kind of race horse you buy, the on-going cost is the same. So, a smart move is to buy a quality horse, and you can have more fun.
  4. Appoint the right trainer. This is another important key of success to horse ownership investment. My recommendation is to get your horse to a trainer that is capable and having interest to take care of your interest. You are the boss attitude. Talk to your trainer and get regular feed back from him of progress. Today, the trainer and his team can easily take videos of your horse in training. From these videos feed back you can see if your horse is progressing or need more time to settle to the heat and humid conditions of Singapore.
  5. No Planning. After buying and appoint a trainer to train your horse, it is good to sit and plan with your trainer, or work out a strategy with your trainer. Planning can only be successful if it is carried out accordingly. You need a good team that work. You are the boss, the team carried out to the best of their ability for good of your horse racing career. This usually need to be reviewed from time to time. As horses may not race or progress according to our expectation and genuine feedback is important from the team. If you skip this process, you end up no direction and wasting of time and of the potential chances your horse may have.
  6. Uncontrolled gambling habits. This can be a cause of failure. The easiest way to lose money is to bet on horses on every race of the day. Race 1 to Race 12. The data says, favourites can have a success rate of about 30%. This means the public will lose 70% of the favourites horse of the day. That is the law of average, you should be aware of this. You should control the urge to the thrill of betting. I saw too many riches to poor, and many sad stories in horse racing betting. I recommend you buy a good horse and enjoy him winning the stakes money. Then again I never know any racehorse owner who never bet on horses. Here, at this point I was reminded with a horse called ‘SMART BET’ may be you can think of a way from this nicely named horse. He is a Champion, trained by a friend, now a ex-trainer in Mohamad Yusoff.
  7. Keep horses without any ability. Many race horse owners are caught with this. They just keep and maintain lower class (Class 5)horses or injured horse. This is a trap for horse owners and best for you to be aware of this. If the horse is not up to Class 3 or better in Singapore, you be losing money. Cut loss and sell it away. If not you will loss more. Give it another chance to have another career elsewhere.

Certainly there are more reasons than these mentioned above. As the horse racing involves too many people in between and just imaging the other issues that may arise from dealing with people. There are list of people problems in itself. Any way LUCK is one of the Important in Horse racing, and hope we have good luck when working together! As we have been working hard and usually hardwork can bring GOOD LUCK. Thank you!

If you are looking for help to start owning race horses, do take advantage of my experience and connections. Kindly give me a call and you be on your road to a successful race horse ownership investment. Call 9175 3396. My name is Sam. Born near the former turf club in Bukit Timah and 30 years in the industry.

29th April 2023 – Singapore

7 Reasons Why race horse owners in Singapore lost money.

Don’t think for a second that buying a racehorse is your path to riches and an early retirement. In fact, more often than not owning a racehorse is a money-losing venture.

This is a game where money invested should be from spare cash which you can afford to lose in any game for the fun of it.

The pros in the business invest in hundreds of horses, with the hope that a few hit it big and their profits make up for all of money losers.

An economical way to success is that you cut short all the learning curve by taking advantage of the experience or leverage on knowledgeable person.

After more than 30 years in this horse racing industry, as a race horse owner and a manager to a few race horse stables, I like to share you my simple view on what I saw happening in Singapore horse racing industry, not as a gambler but as someone who taking part in buying, planning and dealing with both horse owners, and all connected to preparing for races.

I saw many horse owners failed and this can be a topic to learn from.

Listed here to the best of my knowledge are reasons for unsuccessful horse ownership in the Singapore horse racing.

  1. No actual capital to start with. Some may have too little money and hope for miracle to happen. As you know that this game is used to be called ‘sports of kings’, but the good thing is that you don’t have to be a king, but at least have the idea of the spare cash you need to buy a good horse, which can cost easily from $50,000 and more. Some good bred horses can fetch from $100,000 to $150,000 – which I don’t suggest you to spend more than that amount as the stakes money here is not up to that kind of horse.  
  2. Buying a low quality or no quality race horse. Some opt to look for cheap horse. You can buy cheap horse if you don’t have any intention to see your horse winning. Buying a no quality horse will disappoint you. You end up paying training bills and probably you don’t have a chance to enjoy any return of your investments. Please also take note, that buying an expensive horse does not guarantee your success. Horses are still animal. But history says good horses come from good family bloodline of winners.
  3. Overlooked the on-going cost. Buying is easy, it is a one time invoice settlement, but maintaining it is the hardest for most. This, you need to maintain an annual sum ranging from $40,000 to $50,000 per year to maintain a race horse for training and up keeping. Any kind of race horse you buy, the on-going cost is the same. So, a smart move is to buy a quality horse, and you can have more fun.
  4. Appoint the right trainer. This is another important key of success to horse ownership investment. My recommendation is to get your horse to a trainer that is capable and having interest to take care of your interest. You are the boss attitude. Talk to your trainer and get regular feed back from him of progress. Today, the trainer and his team can easily take videos of your horse in training. From these videos feed back you can see if your horse is progressing or need more time to settle to the heat and humid conditions of Singapore.
  5. No Planning. After buying and appoint a trainer to train your horse, it is good to sit and plan with your trainer, or work out a strategy with your trainer. Planning can only be successful if it is carried out accordingly. You need a good team that work. You are the boss, the team carried out to the best of their ability for good of your horse racing career. This usually need to be reviewed from time to time. As horses may not race or progress according to our expectation and genuine feedback is important from the team. If you skip this process, you end up no direction and wasting of time and of the potential chances your horse may have.
  6. Uncontrolled gambling habits. This can be a cause of failure. The easiest way to lose money is to bet on horses on every race of the day. Race 1 to Race 12. The data says, favourites can have a success rate of about 30%. This means the public will lose 70% of the favourites horse of the day. That is the law of average, you should be aware of this. You should control the urge to the thrill of betting. I saw too many riches to poor, and many sad stories in horse racing betting. I recommend you buy a good horse and enjoy him winning the stakes money. Then again I never know any racehorse owner who never bet on horses. Here, at this point I was reminded with a horse called ‘SMART BET’ may be you can think of a way from this nicely named horse. He is a Champion, trained by a friend, now a ex-trainer in Mohamad Yusoff.
  7. Keep horses without any ability. Many race horse owners are caught with this. They just keep and maintain lower class (Class 5)horses or injured horse. This is a trap for horse owners and best for you to be aware of this. If the horse is not up to Class 3 or better in Singapore, you be losing money. Cut loss and sell it away. If not you will loss more. Give it another chance to have another career elsewhere.  

If you are looking for help to start owning race horses, do take advantage of my experience and connections. Kindly give me a call and you be on your road to a successful race horse ownership investment. Call 9175 3396. My name is Sam. Born near the former turf club in Bukit Timah and 30 years in the industry.

29th APRIL 2023 – Singapore Horse Racing


CALL (+65)91753396 or (+65) 81 59 26 26 Bro Sam!

Click Here for a free consultation!