More Information and contact..

Please give me a call (+65) 9175 3396 (Sam) to find out more details on how you can own a winning horse and enjoy. You can also fill in this simple form below – I will call you soon! click the SUBMIT BUTTON after filling up… See You Soon!


Please give me a call to find out more details on how you can own a winning horse and enjoy. You can also fill in this simple form above – I will call you soon! click the SUBMIT BUTTON after filling up… See You Soon!

Please also be reminded that owning horses is a long term commitment and you have a lot of fun with it. 

Buying a new 2 or 3 years old thoroughbred race horse from New Zealand or Australia may cost you  from around $50,000 or more (it all depends on what you want) If you wish to buy a raced horse that have been racing in Singapore previously owned by others, this may cost from $10,000 or more depends on age and type of horse and his current conditions. You have to make your own risk calculations and how much cash you can put aside in this fun and interesting industry.  


Thank you for visiting here.

Best Of Luck from Sam

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