Kranji Tips & Predictions.


RACE 1 – No. 11 / 6 / 8

RACE 2 – No. 2 / 14 / 10

RACE 3 – No.11 / 4 / 8

RACE 4 – No. 9 / 4 / 3

RACE 5 – No. 13 / 6 / 7

RACE 6 – No. 7 / 6 / 5

RACE 7 – No. 4 / 7 / 2

RACE 8 – No.7 / 11 / 2

RACE 9 – No. 3 / 2 / 1

RACE 10 – No. 7 / 5 / 3

RACE 11 – No. 8 / 11 / 6

RACE 12 – No. *1 / 2 / 3

RACE 13 – No. 10 / 1 / 6

RACE 14 – No. 6 / 8 / 13

Disclaimer: Writer writes from his own analysis based on form and last run and horses potential. I do not ask anyone to follow the tips for making money or profits from horse racing. Betting on Horse racing can be a bad hobby if you cannot control your finance and becomes impulsive. My selections is strictly for sharing of how my analytical skills in horse rating. Do Not Bet On Horses As I have seen many people lost a lot of hard earn monies and some even lost Millions from horse race punting. Refrain from betting to make a living as this is the sports of kings.

Own This kind of high quality race horse with us. Prices starting from $3,000 per share. Call for more information! Sam (+65) 815 926 26

Own outright 100% or syndication.

10 Shares (10%) normally starting from minimum $3000/= each, and a maintain / training cost of about $350/= per month for your 10% share.

Good sires like Savabeel, Zoustar, Fastnet Rock may be offered at $10,000 to $25,000 per share (10%). Some race horse owners only buy this kind of quality bloodline horses and aim for G1 races.

Some may perform as per their intentions but some may not even win a race. Some may get injured and will never start his racing career at all. Well it all depends on few factors. We are able to plan, and you got to think hard before taking the risk. As much as we hope you could win big races, at the same time we like you to know the factors and effects the of risk. Yes I want it 8159 26 26

Racing Silk

If you want to be among the ones who will design the racing silk to your stable, name your stables and choose a name to your horse. Be among the horse owners and be there at the Parade Ring to listen to your Trainer’s jockey instruction during race days..You can do all this and more if you are the owner of your stables. Group ownership, they called it syndication is another way to reduce the cost as each owner have to buy certain percentage of the horse (normally units of 10% each

Many benefits await you as a race horse owner and the stakes money is your too if your horse wins or come in the top 6th position in any races.

Stakes money of every race starts from $20,000 to $800,000 (per race). There are horses who made for his owners a couple of hundreds of thousand dollars in a few years of racing and retire.

Click this link if you want to register your interest in horse racing ownership.

Yes I want it 8159 26 26


PARADE RING on Race Day – New Year Cup 2020 Group 3 Poly-track 1200m

PARADE RING on Race Day – New Year Cup 2020 Group 3 Polytrack 1200m

Let’s have a look at the Parade Ring on race day.

This is what happening…Enjoy the Video:

Click link – or copy and paste to the browser.

Photo of One Of The Contender, Horse No 2. SKYWALK, very experience care taker with more than 30 years inthe industry His name Rosli (LOK LEE)

If you inspire to own a race horse, design your silk, name your horse, choose a trainer and jockey and need more information. Please do not hesitate to give me a bell.

Click the ‘red’ link below


Making money as a racehorse owner, how?

Making money as a racehorse owner..

Hi, I am sharing ideas based on my personal views, knowledge and experience. Many people would like to know as how do racehorse owners make money in Singapore Horse racing.

The fact is that many racehorse owners will be happy not to lost money. Yes, there are a small percentage that make good money for owning racehorses.

Horse ownership started when the horse racing industry ideas was brought from the colonial premier days, and it is usually for status and not for making money. Only those at the top took part in not so regular (say once a month or during special celebrations) horse racing events organized. It is known as sports of kings.

Winning Post

As interest grows many business owners seems to find this affordable and they come in. The general public too got excited when horse racing was held regularly. Then horse racing becomes an event for everyone and not much later horse race betting was introduced. The rest is history.

When monies were to be made, everyone wanted to be involved and try their luck. Those who think they can afford to buy horses got more excited as the stakes prize money of races increased. Imagine a race where the prize money is as high as $1Million. Racehorse owners that will definitely make lots of money are those who owns horses that are capable of winning Cup races.

Owners of winning horse will be paid about 47% of the Stakes money from races they won. Imagine a $1Million race, the winner will take home a hefty sum of $470,000. And that’s alot of money.

The key to making good money is owning horses that are of Gold Cup material type. A really good type!

Cup winners type are usually of good proven sires (father) and dams(mother). They cost lots of money. Some expensive sires may be very good at certain countries but not in Singapore. Some may be average in other countries, but a top class performer in Singapore.

There can never be a guarantee in looking for a top quality horses. To me buying a race horse, takes lots of luck. To be lucky, you have got to firstly be knowledgeable about horses, in term of family lines, physical out look, understanding about conformation, moves, it’s temperament and few other critical ingredients that may make the difference. Sprinters got a certain body conformation and middle to long distance race horses have a different body built, head shape, neck type, chest and walking strides.

There’s much more ingredients if you are looking to be a successful race horse owner. All things must work hand in hand. The horse, the trainer, the jockey, the syce, the farrier, the feed and most of all the LUCK must be there. With luck your horse may get a desired barrier draw for races. With Luck, many things happens to your advantage. Good thing is that everyone can be lucky, when the time is right!

A Risk Taker and A Smart Investor

A risk taker is a person who learn from his own mistake and experience, a smart person learn from other people’s mistake and benefits from someone else’s experience.

If you are interested in buying quality race horses, and ready to buy, please do not hesitate to give me a call and I am ready to be of services to you.

Sam +65 815 92 626 – Singapore

Other ways to make money as race horse owners

Most race horse owners are punters. If you understand handicapping this will work for you. But do it with the understanding that there is no guarantee to race horse punting or betting. Measure the risk and the capital involved. My recommendation is do not take the risk! As many failed miserably with only a small percentage I saw have made it. Success in Punting requires Planning, Patience and for some right connections. Wishing you the best of luck and hope to see you soon.

If you are interested in buying quality race horses, and ready to buy, please do not hesitate to give me a call and I am ready to be of service to you. My main goal is to make racehorse ownership possible for you, and help increase the population of horses racing in Singapore and it is alot of fun.

If you are like me, passionate about horses, love horses and want to be part of the Singapore horse racing industry as a race horse it for fun, for status, socialising, glory or making money…Your dream to own racehorses, will come true.. Let’s do it and leverage from my experience and connections now!

Sam +65 815 92 626 Singapore

14 Types Of Punters you can meet in The Grandstand of The Singapore Turf Club.

14 Types Of Punters you can meet in The Grandstand of The Singapore Turf Club.

Horse racing in Singapore been very interesting since it was introduced here in Singapore. Everyone who is involved in horse racing for a couple of years will have some stories to tell. It is getting more and more interesting as the number of people involved increased. The Singapore per capita income increased and I have seen unique punters styles and strategies shown among punters. Here are some that I have seen and hope you enjoy!

  1. The Professionals

They are the ones who come in to the turf club, long-sleeve shirt, with reading specs and did not talk much. Very focused, well organized table and clean. Did not bet all day. Only see him running to the betting counters once or twice per day race. Very polite and smile to most people.

Observation: He bet and left very secretly and gone. You won’t notice if he did not come. You won’t know if he wins or lost.

  1. The Rainbow

The opposite of the ‘Professionals’. This person will be shouting, cheering and jumping once the horses coming from the home turn. With 200m from winning post he/she will be at the top of his/her voice. Before the race everyone near will know which horse he/she put her money and are betting at. If he/she is not present, the club seems to be quiet.

Observation: Brings joy to people around them, and add colors to the Grand Stand. Most of the time you will know this person wins or lost. Will have alot of fun with this type of punter.

  1. The Jockey Diehard Fan

This person is okay with favorite horse, even the payout is ridiculously low as low as $7 for a $5 Win Bet. Champion Jockey is his favorite choice. Diehard Fan, not much reading of the horse condition or form done. His motto..The Champ is the way to go! Statistics says that favorite strike rate is anywhere between 20% – 30%.

Observation: Usually go for the champion jockey and champion trainer. But if he loses he lost a lot of money as the champion jockey usually pay low dividens

  1. The Numerologist

This person will count and count, record and record the horse number of the winning horse from Race 1. Compare and make decision at the last few race. If he wins then the theory will be revealed to fellow punters. The next day the numerology did not work as good as the previous day.

Observation: This person is a supporter of keeping the earth green. He uses the used paper or betting slips to record the numerology.

  1. The New Bird

He always comes with a mentor beside. Ask questions and eager to learn. Happy to meet new mentors (there are many around) and ask and pretend to understand fast. Go and come with his original mentor.

Observation: Normally, he plays small and a responsible gambler.

  1. The Old Bird.

This person who knows almost everyone at the Grandstand. He is there for many many years. He used to lost lots of money and now go slow, very slow. Only once a while he bets more as that is his bet of the day. Probably from a most reliable source of information.

Observation: He will usually want to help you, by sharing information if he sees you as a person he like.

  1. The Story Teller – Trainer’s Friend.

He talks a lot about horse owner, jockeys and trainers. Like to boast. He will say he knows the owner or the friends neighbor or the son’s friend or something like that. This horse was mentioned last month and so on. The story goes on. Usually after the horse wins.

Observation: Too much stories, mostly after the race and can be a pest, needs patience to be his friend.

  1. The Sharp Eyes.

This friend noticed all about the jockeys movement. How the jockey hold the whip, how the assistant trainer give instructions to the jockeys and so on. Interesting stories on the body language during Horse Parade and jockey mounting slots. He also notice and tell you how the horse sweats and conditions. He will tell you this time the horse looks shinny, the eyes glows and so on.

Observation: He will make you confused, as too many possible winner he pointed out in a same race.

  1. The Handicapper.

This person does his home work. Write lots of remarks in his horse racing form book. His book come already highlighted in numerous highlighter colors. All seems equal chance and all seems to have an outsider chance or favorite and can win remarks. He seems to be the most hardworking student to take a GCE O Levels Examination.

Observation: You ended up spread your bets to few different horse in the same race. Most of the time you choose the wrong horse.

  1. The Early Ticket Informer.

This guy will have a complete selections of horses information on the bets placed in the black market. He will show you the day’s sms on early tickets and who bets. He usually says this is from HK or Batam. The big bookies or something like that. He is somewhere at the turf club but usually not seen when the race going to start. Afetr the race he will say, last minute his source says this horse not going and this horse collect tickets and some other stories.

Observation: Do not trust too much as I think this type of person is usually sincere, but the motive of the big punters or bookies behind this person is tricky.

  1. The Money Maker but…

He comes in to the turf club only once in a while. He comes just to put money and take money. He can be a horse owner, or a sniper punter. One bullet for one target. He is able to hold his urge till few months. He is discipline and does not waste time. He come for that one race and he is gone. He usually put in a big bet and stay until the race. He seems to thinks a lot. Some people I know only bet on 5 or 6 horses per year. If he wins he wins a lot money but still he is no exception to the risks of horse racing. When he did not make it he seems like to donate in a big way.

Observation: This is a seasoned punter and a planner. Only thing that no matter how much you plan in winning, you tend to fail. This requires luck, and much more.

14. White horse punter..

She normally a social punter. Not so serious type. I met few of this type, normally ladies who come in a group or sometimes just accompanying her husband or partner. Just enjoying the day and she will scream in CHINESE (Hokkien) ‘Peh Bey’ means white horse. They have so much fun.

Observation: Best about this kind of punter is they have is much fun. Never think to make money from horses. Not much stress to be around them.

RISK: These are some of the types of punters I met. And it is just as our daily life, we met many types of people everyday.. some are serious, some just play to have fun and some are big timer and many others which trying to make money from horse racing.

My advice is that you cannot make money in horse racing as the risk is high. Lots of things can happen during a race. Jockey may slipped his saddle, horses not want to perform on that day, horses may be bump and many many things happening in a horse racing. This is a risky business and do not depend on horses to make a living cos only a small percentage I saw ever made good money from it. One of my trainer friend says, he is a trainer and he did not bet on horses!

Anyway it all takes more than luck to make good money in horse racing and some people found the certain way. That is what makes horse racing very interesting.

Thank you for reading, and wishing you the best of luck!


HANDSOME 5YO GELDING BY IFFRAAJ FOR SALE – Won Trial in NZ Before Flying To Singapore.

5yo – with 3 Starts in NZ

Handsome 5yo gelding by Top Sire IFFRAAJ now ranks as one of the best proven stallions in New Zealand as well as a great friend to commercial breeders in the British Isles. He should continue to sire high-class sprinters, milers and middle-distance horses in both hemispheres for years to come.

This horse, Sure Footed Hippo raced 3 times in New Zealand. He needs time to develop to mature to it’s full physical strength and size. Currently standing at 16hands and weight more than 500kgs. Tough looking guy and acclimatized fully here in Singapore. All the hard work and waiting is done and he is ready to start his preparation for racing.

Singapore racing horses needs to be tough ad this boy is tough. Size matters, yes if you been watching the races here and you will agree. Look at his barrier win, and it shows the best way to race him is not using more of the whipping just hands and hills. There are different ways to ride different horse and some likes the whip and others not.

He has taken more time than others and seems a late bloomer. And in Singapore and Malaysia you can see many horses that are bringing the cheques to the owners at a later age.

He is well mannered horse, cool and athletics. In this sport there is a saying that will suit the buyer of this horse.. Patience Rewards


Call Singapore SAM at mobile : 81 36 5155

Landed in Singapore and selling $35k Only – Oct 2019

Sure Footed Hippo by Iffraaj 2014 a8c0 v3

Sure Footed Hippo by Iffraaj 2014 a8c0 v5


Sure Footed Hippo by Iffraaj 2014 a8c0 v4

Call Singapore SAM at mobile : 81 36 5155

Landed in Singapore and selling $35k Only – Oct 2019


Top 20 Singapore’s Highest Rated Horse

Top 20 Singapore’s Highest Rated Horse


Singapore horse racing have produced many top notch horses. Most of these horses earns more than $1Million in stakes money. I call them rhe Millionaire Horse. Past great names like the Ouzo, Colonial Chief, Siapa Rajah, Razzmataz, Jingle Bell, Smartbet, Debt Collector, and many more have brought the flag of Singapore to the lime light of horse racing. One of the most outstanding fast horse name Rocket Man. He is the highest stakes winner of all time for the Republic, earning more than $6.7M in about 4 years of racing. He races 27 times and won 20 of the races, he came in second 5 times. He is amazing and a wonderful horse. Was told this horse was purchased at an auction sales for $60,000. Anyway horse racing needs lots and lots of luck and to get lucky you need lots and lots of hard work. Many people are hard working, especially if you are in Singapore. Is either hardwork or work smart you will excell in the race horse industry. Working smart in this industry is to leverage on other people expertise. Instead of taking the traditional minimum a few years (5yrs to 20yrs) working to learn about the finer details of horses, training, sires, and much can work with people who knows what it is all about.. especially it can be tricky at times. I have been in the industry since my school days.. I hope I can be of help to you.

I guess if you never try you will never know. And who knows you are the owner of the next champion horse racing in Singapore. If you are interested, let’s come and have a visit and we discuss options with you… A winner is waiting if you participate.

Call Sam! (+65) 8 1 592 626Top 20 horse and trainer 09092019 02

How Much Does It Cost?

Miracle Man 31 10 14


This is the most popular question, and here is the answer.

The normal range of horses will cost you around $20,000 to $50,000. Choosing from conformation and balance is critical when buying, means you have got to have experience horse man who can see the difference between horses movements and physical appearance. A person who can provide pin point assessment of horses.

Championship quality thoroughbreds cost between $100,000 and $300,000 to purchase and about $40,000 a year in expenses. Of course, buying a thoroughbred is competitive and purchase prices can easily exceed $300,000. Normally these horses demand the price tag as they are generally come from proven stallions that produced high winning and Listed race winners. But not necessary all high budget purchases will produced great performing horses.

I have got the experience of buying reasonable priced horses that returns the buyer 7 folds of his initial investment.

We’d like to think if you have the right team representing you, they will be able to find a top thoroughbred racehorse in the range above.

Holy Blade Horse 02

The key here is not necessary the higher the purchase price the better the horse will perform but buying a good quality that come with real value. Many a time race horse owners that spend tons of money for an ordinary Class horse. With over 25 years of experience as a race owner and a full time involvement with the industry, I have what it takes to help you to achieve your ambition as a successful racehorse owner.

For a non obligatory discussion and planning for a successful race horse ownership.. Call Now!

If Looking For an Experience Person at Horse Racing… with a winning plan and the winning connections to maximize your potential in returns of Investment in the Horse Racing Industry, why not engage with my team and you will be delighted.

Call Now!! Sam +65 81 592 62 6

Morning Trackwork at Kranji Singapore

Dear fans of horse racing in Singapore,

How are you?

I like to share some thing about being a racehorse owner. In Singapore, racehorse owners are considered given more privilege compare to most countries. Some of the benefits are :

In addition to attractive prize money,
there are many benefits for owners of Singapore-based horses:


  • Mobile Charging Station available for Owners on Level 3
  • Parking at Singapore Racecourse
  • Morning refreshments at barrier trials
  • Newsletter
  • Entry to Owners’ lounge / Hibiscus room
  • Entry to Off-Course Betting Centres
  • Copy of the Club’s in-house magazine, Winning Post
  • Gifts for all major celebration days

Winning Owner

  • Premium champagne/whisky for Group Races
  • Champagne popping after the race
  • DVD of the race
  • A photograph of your winning horse can be purchased from the official photographers at the racemeeting
  • One gift per horse for the winning owner/s


  • Book a table++
  • Book a Corporate Box at a discounted rate
  • Entry to Owners’ Lounge / Hibiscus Room
  • Up to ten complimentary guests and up to ten paid guests per raceday to Owners’ Lounge / Hibiscus Room1
  • Invitations to owners who have runners in Group races


  • REWARDS Incentive Scheme

    Horse training 02


    You are also able to come and view morning trackwork of your horses at the stands.

  • The TV at the stand will show horses doing their daily morning track work , canter, galloping and slow cantering work.



3years old gelding. Trial Winner for Sale, NZ bred, by Rip Van Winkle – grand dam by Zabeel.

3years old Trial Winner for Sale. NZ bred, won in a fast timing… lead from pillar to post!

Fast young horse.. This Speedster will be landing in Singapore end May 2019 upon confirmed purchase.

Watch video and see that he is too good for his contenders. Winning he’s trial and he is going to improve more..

Call for more information. (+65) 815 926 26 – Sam Singapore.

Click here to watch video and register here for me to contact you.

How do you make money in horse racing? How do you make money as a race horse owner? How to have a team that works? All important aspects of buying horses, training of horses, planning for a successful racing career of your horse and how you can enjoy being a race horse owner and make a sound investment in horse racing in Singapore.

Let’s write a plan and make a plan to work for you and gives results in your endevour in horse racing investment.

Buying race horse can be very fun, interesting and a brave decision you can ever make. This can also be very taxing as it requires long term payment to upkeep and monthly maintenance commitment. If you need to, do have a discussion with me as I have been involved since 30yrs and can offer some ideas and experience.

Thank you for being this far. Regards

Rip Van Winkle 002.jpg

Top Classy Horse For Sale, 2years Old Trial Winner, by Pins – shown ability for Big Stakes races of Singapore.. Cup contenders type.


Pins 2yo Trial Winner

This is a top class candidate, and probably Cup Horse.


He is only a 2 years old colt and he showed he is a class above..

He is Stocky (like Mike Tyson), he is fast, he have got a few top gear speed to use, he can Sprint to take over the lead and accelerate again to win his barrier trial as a 2yo. (watch video – copy the link below)

His walk video showed he have got the best conformation, the quick and swift move, the kind of a professional attitude of a matured race horse and tons of premium ability.

He have got all it takes to be a Champion. HK race horse type, and will be a glory for winning BIG races for his owner!

Call Now! Before it’s gone.


ABOUT THE SIRE (Father) 21 years ago he made A$1.7M winning 7 races from 1000m to 2000m

He has produces approx. 1065 runners and more than 720 winners, a proven sire – That is proven in Singapore.


Race Record: 14 Starts 7-3-0 A$1,733,895.

7 wins-1 at 2-from 1100m to 2000m, A$1,733,895, VRC Australian Guineas, Gr.1, AJC Stan Fox S., Gr.2, MVRC Alister Clark S., Gr.2, VATC Autumn Classic, Gr.2, Zeditave S., L, STC Amber Kennedy Memorial P., 2d VRC Debonair S., L, NSW Tatt’s RC Ming Dynasty H., L, STC Night Racing 2YO H., 4th Newcastle JC Spring S., Gr.3.

#horse racing in Singapore
#Horse for sale
#Horse Racing Investment
#Kranji Tips
#Invest in Singapore


Watch video now!

Trial video shows he is still looking around and won in a good time and fastest for the day. Selling at SGD 180k landed. This horse is a good value buy. If you want to own classy horse aiming at high stakes money races, this horse can make your dream come true. Will be effective on sprints and mid distance races (1000m to 1600m). Type of horse HK buyer will buy…

For more information,

Call Now!

8 1 59 26 26 (Sam)


